Monday, October 31, 2016

Week 10a: Moving on to the next project

After 9 weeks of working on the app project, we are finally returning to our personal blogs and working on our own. Today in class we discussed what we would be learning next, which is HTML and CSS. As a former Computer Science student, I feel pretty confident in learning these languages (if you could call them that) because they are much simpler than the data structures and algorithms I was doing in my previous major. I obviously switched for a reason. Regardless, there is still a lot to learn and this will actually benefit me this semester since I am redesigning a website for the Made in Millersville Conference Proceedings Journal. I am sure there will be a lot of crossover there. Most of the information we learned today, I already knew. We are starting in just HTML - Hypertext Markup Language, which is primarily used to create the content of a web page. Later we will learn CSS, which is what we will use to actually design the site. Eventually, we will be doing both side by side, which we were warned about the difficulty of said task. Since I do have that programming background, I am hoping it will lessen some of the difficulty of this upcoming project. However, our first assignment is to write a purely HTML page about our dream vacation. I will update this blog later in the week with what I did.